It's a main sightseeing spot as well as very important Greek Orthodox church of the area.
"St. Lazarus, sometime after the Resurrection, he was forced to flee and came to Cyprus. He is said to have lived for thirty more years and on his death was buried there for the second and last time."
It founded late 9th century and went through histories...
destroyed, rebuilt, changed to Roman catholic then mosque and sold it back to Orthodox.
What they have is not only golden icons, but the tomb of St. Lazarus.
They say this underground tomb area has been remain the same since Roman era.
And oh god, it had definitely absolutely completely different air/atmosphere/feeling down there.
No one was stopping me(us) but for me, no way to take pictures or stay there any longer than a minute.
Something was so heavy and holy and old and cold and everything...
However I found some photos on google image so I post them.
(No, nothing in there)
"During the subsequent renovations of the church, on November 2, 1972,
human remains were discovered in a marble sarcophagus under the altar,
and were identified as part of the saint's relics"
His relics/some bones are in a silver box upstairs, which we actually could see.
There is a small museum next to the church. It had books and icons etc...
As soon as I took a photo of this ancient floor, I leaned "No camera" in there. oops.